So…. the last I posted on this site was about 2019 in review and perhaps a little update concerning the addition of 3D Printing services.
Well… we all know how 2020 went and I’m obviously a bit late on this post…ok…. really late. So, let’s do a quick review of 2020.
The year started out easy enough. I already had my little resin printer up and running and gotten a few jobs asked of me. I was pondering on getting another printer, but needed the reason. A small printer is fine for minis, which is what I got it for.
As we enter into March, and this pandemic grew more serious, my lab job shut down. I went into work one day, thinking I should take more precautions on how I handle impressions and go about my work and by the afternoon, the doors had closed without a definite return time.
I went home and decided that, if that job isn’t guaranteed to be there in a few months, then I may as well take a shot at ramping up my own services.
I did some painting, but did a fair amount of printing. My good friend invited me into her Ball Jointed Doll community, from whom I learned what makers and collectors need for a proper BJD print. I even learned to string them so I can show them off before shipping.
I eventually was asked if I can print larger files than what the Photon could handle, so I took a chance on a larger format printer. I pre ordered an Epax X10 with a 4K mono screen. There was a huge learning curve and I spent a good couple of months getting used to the stronger screen and larger vat, but I figured out a few things and it’s now my workhorse for resin. I also picked up an Epax X1 used, from someone that was moving over to laser printers.
By late summer, the lab sort of opened back up. I went in once or twice a week to help out.
Something happened by Fall though. In my bio, I talk about a good friend that introduced me into vending at the ren faires and painting historical models. He was one of the key influences into my painting overall and had encouraged me to keep improving. He painted back in the days of Shep Paine, and offered endless advice on my historicals. If you see historical models on this site, they were for his collection. This last Fall, he was diagnosed with aggressive cancer and passed away quickly. Part of me wants to do a separate write up on him, because he deserves some sort of recognition beyond this….. but he was also a very private person…. so I’ll leave it here.
Now for BIG NEWS
I’ve separated my painting and 3D printing services. I just started Tallman 3D Arts, LLC. There are a couple of more steps to finish, but I’m up and running. I’ve thought a lot about getting another secure lab job, but I’ve always had a dream of being completely independent of an employer and and I’m excited at the challenge.
Thank you all, whomever reads this, for sticking around. I’ve found a balance of painting and printing and hope to be back here to update you all sooner than later.